Tinsel Trail, Stevens Point

I did not get any photos for this one, it was 22 degrees when we pulled in, and I simply did not want to take my hands out of my gloves for anything but popping or bagging corn.  And I did plenty of that… Approx 125 pounds of raw corn were stirred into sweet and salty Kettle Korn.  I had a little trouble at first adjusting to the temperature, but with a few minor adjustments of the formula we got back on track and made some great corn.
This is a fun event, All Class, in the beautiful Stevens Point Holiday Inn.
This show was all go from the moment the doors opened.  And for those that came to the show instead of watching the Packers, it turned out pretty good — the Packers got shut out for the first time in years, but no one that came to this show got shut out, they all left with some fun stuff, and great handmade items.

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